
Friday 30 November 2018

Creative Writing Matrix #2

One of the tasks that was on our creative writing matrix in English was a 6 sentence story. A six sentence story is when you write a story using six sentences. In the first sentence we had to introduce the character, in the second sentence we had to introduce the setting, next sentence a talent, in the forth sentence you had to introduce a problem, in the fifth sentence you needed to think of a consequence of the problem and the in the sixth sentence you had to have a solution.

6 sentence story: Once upon a time there lived a tiny blonde princess named Sophie.  She lived up in a big castle with her family. Sophie's special talent was talking to animals through her special necklace she got given when she was a baby. One day Sophie lost her necklace. Sophie was devastated that she lost it as it meant she could no longer talk to all of her animal friends, especially her best friend Cleo the bunny. Sophie spent the rest of her day looking for that necklace until she finally found it and was able to talk to Cleo and all her other friends again.

Creative Writing Matrix #1

In English we have been working through a creative writing matrix. One of the task included pairing up and writing a poem or a story about the picture below with a time limit of 15 minutes. Here is what Stacey and I managed to do in 15 minute:

I stuck by brother to the wall.
Because he hit me with the ball.
My head was sore
I held his top until it tore

I stuck my brother to the wall
Cause he interrupted me while on call
He thought he was so cool
I could of chucked him in the pool

I stuck my brother to the wall
Because my game wouldn't install
I got kinda mad
then got told off by dad

I stuck my brother to the wall
Because he pushed me down the hall
I was on my way to bed
So I hit him on the head

I stuck my brother to the wall
he had a tantrum in the mall
I got tired of his crap
So I gave him a big slap.

Monday 19 November 2018

Passion Project #2

For my passion project i chose to do community project. We had to get in groups and come up with an and idea that could help the community, my group is making a documentary. In my group there is Gary,Kiera,Jordan,Paige and Neika. We have sent out multiple emails asking for permission to film and we have also sent out a google form to the students asking if they want to speak in the video to help prepare for the documentary. Our documentary is going to be about passion projects and how it is helping the community. We decided to do this because we thought it could benefit the community by making them more aware of what happens at Hornby. Our next step is to start filming what all of the groups are doing.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Passion projects #1

In school we have been doing passion projects. Passion projects is when we chose something we have a passion in and then we do it for the rest of the term. I chose to do community projects. In community project we had to get in groups and chose something to do that will help the community. In my group I have Kiera, Neika, Gary, Jordan and Paige. In community projects we are learning how to plan ways to help the community. A way we are learning this is by making a S.W.O.T chart. A S.W.O.T chart is when you find the Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunites  and Threats. By doing a S.W.O.T chart it helps us see the positives and negatives about our plan. Our group has decided to film a documentary about how Hornby is helping the community.