
Friday 31 May 2019

Art - Magazine

In art we have been designing a magazine about Hornby. We all got put into groups and assigned a topic to make a page about. The page that my group got was the cover page. We are struggling with the cover page as our full group is never here and we keep losing things and having to start again. The first steps to making our page was to make a few thumbnail sketches that we were going to replicate to the best of our ability on adobe illustrator. After the thumbnail sketches we had to become comfortable with using illustrator. Now we are on to actually making the page.  We had to answer some questions about our page so far so like here are the questions and my answers:

Does your design reflect your thumbnail sketches so far? No because we lost the thumbnail sketches we were going to use and had to draw up more yesterday.

Does your design reflect the feeling of your topic? No, we haven't even decided what we want to make the page look like yet.

Do you know where your leading lines are? Again we have not done enough work to have leading lines.

Do you know what your focal point is? Our focal point is going to be our tittle.

here is a screenshot of what we have managed to accomplish so far :

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Creative Wrting :/

London isn't getting any better. The air is polluted, kids are constantly exploited, it's overcrowded. To add on to this I have my own personal issues that include but are not limited to: My husband dying of cholera, my first born child, Margaret being a nuisance, my housebreaking and the fact that I am pregnant. Also, did I forget to mention that I am preparing to make the 100-day journey to New Zeland tomorrow? yea well I am.

Everything is all packed, I have all my life savings ( 3489 pounds to be exact), Our goodbyes have been said and now all there is left for me and my child to do is pick up my brother, Charles who is also making the dangerous journey with us. I am beyond nervous. There are hundreds of people gathered to board the old, sketchy sailing boat (No of which seem to know what manners are). As I am boarding the boat I was thanking God that my family is wealthy enough to get a room for the family instead of being stuffed into the overcrowded tiers like the majority of the 300 passengers.

It has been roughly 50 days since we first boarded the boat. I am now 8 months pregnant and expecting my baby in a month or two. I am unsure if I will even survive long enough to give birth. Recently there has been a typhoid outbreak and all around me, people are falling ill. Due to there not being enough doctors or supplies once you got this dreaded disease you were left to die. I am not 100% sure but there have been rumours over 30 people have died already, thankfully all of those deaths have been in the tiers and not in the family rooms. We have been given advice by one of the workers on the ship to take extra precautions when venturing out of our room and to isolate yourself when possible.  To make matters worse our ship is constantly going into stormy weathers, rocking everything (including ourselves) back and forth the ship. Due to the weathers, the captain has just about crashed a few times as well, making the journey so much scarier especially since he doesn't seem to care.  Hopefully, we live to see a new life in New Zealand.

I can tell Margaret is getting quite agitated after spending so long in this boat. More people have died from the typhoid outbreak, the food has gone, and there is simply nothing for Margaret to do to pass the time. It has been roughly 80 days at this point (I have stopped counting) and I am about to give birth. Margaret and Charles have been helping me prepare for my child and have even managed to find me a doctor on this boat. It's obvious that both my brother and my daughter are concerned about the fact that I have to give birth on this horrible and unhygienic boat.

We have just got the news that New Zealand is now a mear 5 days away and I couldn't be more excited. Thankfully, my pregnancy was over as it just made the journey harder due to the fact I didn't get enough medical attention or that I couldn't sove my cravings baby was born a week ago and I have decided to call her Elizebeth, after this lovely women I met on the boat who sadly died for the Typiod outbreak. . Margaret is bonding well with Elizebeth and is now doing much better with something to pass the time in our family room, which by the way we are still isolated in. The typiod death count has now gotten to over 80 with the majority of the bottom tier dying. A few weeks ago we didn't think we would make it but now I am certain we will.

We have been in New Zealand for a month now and we are adapting well. My daughters are now able to be educated without the fear of exploitation and Charles has got a job that pays good money. Margaret has many more friends than England and Elizabeth is popular within the adults due to her being such a small and cute baby. Our house has much more space and the community we live in is so much more inviting than England. New Zealand is such a lovely place and we are so grateful that we were able to successfully make it to New Zealand to start a new life. 

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Eassy Writing Structure

5. Adverb Sentence
Curiously, Quickly, Rapidly, Often. Importantantly, Technically, Firstly, Lastly, Remarkably, Similary, Significantly, Readily, Intrestingly.

* Comma goes after the adverb.
E.g Suprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time to class

Shookingly, everyone was nice to Neika for a day.
Unsurprisingly, I tripped over nothing.

6.  Begin with a Preposition
Prepositions are words that indicate movement or position
Agaisnt, Under, Above, In, At, Throughout, Behind, Within, Near, For, About, Between, Over, Prior, Beyond

*Common tells you when preposition time has ended
E.g Within the hour, all students had finished their essays.

Throughout the day, I competed in different events.
Within a hour, I was bored.

8.  -Ed Start
Committed,Undaunted,Deteremined,Forced,Gifted,Blighted,Thrilled,Delighted,Blessed,Overpowered, Bewildered,Drafted,Surprised, Foreshadowed, Haunted 

E.g Thrilled by the score, the coach shouted us all Maccas.

Forced by my mum, I went to school.
Annoyed by my sister, I left the room.

11. The 'W' Start
Who, What, When, Where, Whilst, Whereas, While

E.g Whereas Liz played Netball, I played Hockey

Whilst my mum was out, I watched Basketball.
Whereas Neika liked talking, I hated her voice.

Classic Compare & Contrast Paragraph 

Suprisingly, many people belive Netball is better than Basketball. In baskteball, everyone on the team is eliglable to shot the ball whenever they please, giving everyone a chance to score. Whereas in Netball, there are only two designated shooters in a team who have to stay within a certain area, a small semi circle at the end of the court.  Compared to Netball, Basketball is more physical and more engaging, therfore making it better than Netball.

Sexist people belive that boys are smarter than girls. This statment is obviously false as all genders have the ability to be as smart as they want to be. Yet not all see it this way, there are multiple sexist people who belive that this hurnedous accusation is true because of geniuses who happened to be male, even though there are still many females who have accomplished great things. Amelia Airheart is a major example of a strong female, as she was the first women to succesfully fly solo around the world. Clearly sexisim is still a huge issue if this statement is still a huge issue in socity.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Charater Profiles

We had to make profiles about characters in our book. Here are my character profiles:

Thursday 2 May 2019

Critical Literacy Matrix

In English one of our tasks is to answer 3 critical literacy questions about any text you want. I choose to answer my questions based on Tomorrow When The War Began.

Why are you reading this text? I am reading this text so I can explore a wider range of dystopian literature. 

Why has the author constructed the characters the way they have? I think that the author constructed the character the way they have so we can get a better understanding of how different personalities would react in the situation they have been put in.

How would the text be different if it were told in another time, place or culture?  I think that in a different time, place and culture it could be more seen as a very real scenario as there have been wars because countries have invaded other countries.