
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Home Economics Vegetarian Nachos

Yesterday on the 29th of May our class made vegetarian nachos. The student I worked with was Tanaya. We worked really well together and we managed to finish in time. The thing that we did well together was our teamwork and our intuitive because we didn't need tons of help and we could work out all of our problems together. I am proud that we manage to finish because we are not used to working in pairs. Next time I would add more vegetables so there more flavour and it is more healthy. Next time I would also wash our dishes faster because we were a bit slow with the clean up.  I think that we need to work on our tie management because we were not that fast and we had to rush to finish in time. In the end me and Tanaya produced some nachos which we put on a big plate and shared as that is what the Mexicans would have done.

Friday 25 May 2018

Refraction - Bending Light

Aim: To investigate how light is affected by changing the substance it is travelling

Equipment: Ray box, power source, glass or perspex block, single-slit ray slide

Method: Collect the equipment from your teacher, and set them up to produce a single ray of light.

1.  Place the glass block in the shaded area below

2. Place your ray box  at the top of the page and shine beam so it travels along the 10 degree line to the centre of the protractor (this is your angle of incidence)

3. Read the angle the light leaves the glass block at (this is your angle of reflection)

4. Continue the investigation so you can complete the table opposite

Angle of Incidence
Angle of Refraction
10 degrees
7 degrees
20 degrees
17 degrees
30 degrees
27 degrees
40 degrees
37 degrees
It depends where you put the glass block for your results 

Part 2

1. Place the glass block in the shaded area below

2. place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the beam so it travels along the 10 degree line to the centre of the protractor (this is your angle of incidence) 

3. Read the angle the light leaves the glass block at (this is your angle of refraction)

4. Continue the investigation so you can complete the table below

Angle of Incidence
Angle of Refraction
10 degrees
6 degrees
20 degrees
14 degrees
30 degrees
28 degrees
40 degrees
36 degrees

Friday 18 May 2018




What is a structure? The arrangement of and relations between parts or elements of something complex

Types of structures: 
Frame Structures: Frame structures are structures that have a combination of a beam,column and slab to stay standing
Natural Structures: Natural Structures are structures that are not human made this structures could be an insects wing, tree, honeycomb and our human bodys
Shell Structures: Shell structures are light weight structures that usually curve and contain arks. Shell structures are weaker that some other structure because they have nothing strong enough to support it on its own.

Failure: When a structure fails to keep standing
Compression: When things are compressed together
Tension: When things are stretched tightly.


What am I learning? I am learning about New Zealand artist and what they have accomplished so far. I am also practising my researching skills.

How does this show my learning? This shows my learning because I picked a Kiwi artist (Lorde) and researched about her life and the success she has done and then put it all together. This slide shows shows all the information of what I found out while researching about Lorde.

What am I wondering? I am wondering what Lorde would have done if she wasn't in the music industry

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Word Vomit

This photo is was taken in 1920 when a member of the army was making his way to fight in WW1 with the British army.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Corn and Bacon Fritters - Home Economics

Yesterday on the 9th of May Me and Kaela made Corn and Bacon Fritters. The positives of yesterday were that me and Kaela managed to make our fritters and follow the instructions properly. The negatives were that I don't like the new space that we got moved to because it is much dirtier and smaller than what I am used to. When we made the fritters we had to use oil and use heat management for the oven because the oven was different to the one we were used too. It wasn't too hard to control the heat because the oven was pretty similar to the one we used last term. 

Friday 4 May 2018


  • What style of music is this
  • / who performs it/ what inspired
  • them to write it? Pop, Stan Walker
  • What did you like about the music?
  • The culture
  • What did you like about the video?
  • That It showcases NZ
  • Find out what the song is about,
  • can you find aw translation of some of
  • the lyrics?

  • No matter if you're near or far
    We come from the land of God
    No matter where you belong
    We'll fight for your freedom

    I am the mountain, you are the sea flowing toward me
    You are the river that runs through me, I am her she is me
    Created from dust and sand, born to lead this land

    Where we come from we were made to be strong
    Our legacy will carry on
    And if a piece of home
    Resonates in your soul
    Your journey will take you
    Where you belong

    No matter if you're near or far
    We come from the land of God
    No matter where you belong
    We'll fight for your freedom

    [RIA HALL:]
    The heritage of this land is deep, we are it's legacy
    I am her warrior, I fight for thee, we have the victory
    Born from blood and tears, I am stronger than fear

    We strive to move to our destiny
    we practice more than what we preach
    and if a piece of home resonates in your soul
    your journey will take you where you belong

    No matter if you're near or far
    We come from the land of God
    No matter where you belong
    We'll fight for your freedom


    God of Nations at thy feet
    In the bonds of love we meet
    Hear our voices we entreat
    God defend our free land!

    No matter if you're near or far
    We come from the land of God
    No matter where you belong
    We'll fight for your freedom

    No matter if you're near or far
    We come from the land of God
    No matter where you belong
    We'll fight for your freedom

    No matter if you're near or far
    We come from the land of God
    No matter where you belong
    We'll fight for your freedom

  • What style of music is this/ who performs it/ what inspired them to write it?
  • What did you like about the music?
  • What did you like about the video?
  • can you find aw translation of some of
  • the lyrics?

Science - Convection

Aim: To observe convection in a liquid

Equipment: 200 ml beaker, water, tweezers, a crystal of potassium permanganate,a drinking straw, Bunsen burner, heat mat, tripod and gauze mat

Method: Set up a Bunsen burner on a heatproof mat. Put the gauze mat on the tripod but leave it to just one side of the Bunsen burner.

2. Fill a 200 ml beaker with 150 ml  cold water

3. Place the beaker on top of the tripod and gauze and allow it to settle for a few minutes 

4. Carefully insert a drinking straw down on one side of the beaker, ensuring that the straw is touching the bottom of the beaker.

5. Using tweezers, drop a crystal potassium permanganate down inside of the straw. Wait for the crystal to settle on the bottom of the beaker.

6. Very gently, so to not disturb the water, remove the straw.

7. Light the Bunsen and slide it under the tripod so that you are only heating the outside of the beaker where the crystal is. Observe 

Observations: The water turned purple pretty quickly and I didn't have to wait long for the experiment to start working.