
Monday 24 September 2018

Explaining the Purpose of Camera Angles, Movement and Shots

This is a screenshot of an birds eye medium close up from the movie Dragonheart. This scene happens in Dragonheart after the dragon (Draco) who shares Einon's heart is being pierced. The camera angles have been used well with the medium close up helping give more effect on the scene. These angles that the director have chosen to use assist us in understanding the excruciating pain on his face which if there was another angle wouldn't be expressed as well. We can share the pain through the look of agony of Enions face as blood runs over his body helping the the audience connect with the pain and understand the connection shared with the dragon. Combined with the perspective and overhead lighting creating shadows it makes the scene more in depth and draws the viewer in. This scene links back to earlier in the film when Draco the dragon suffered through a lot of pain when Enion is stabbed by Kara.

Another type of shot is a long shot as displayed in the picture above. The picture is in the part of film just after Bowen and Draco began to start working together and they were just about to go trick a town into believing the Bowen who is a dragon-slayer killed the dragon, when in reality Draco was faking his death so Bowen could get some money. The camera angles have been used effectively to help demonstrate the size of Draco.The long shot has also been used well to help show the setting of the scene as if the director had of chosen to use a different angle such as a close up we would not of been able to understand the shape and size of the dragon as well we can now with the long shot used. This scene is also similar to another scene in Dragonheart when Draco went and blew fire over one of the villages.

This is an example of a close up and a over the shoulder shot of Draco and Bowen. In this shot you can see Bowen face to face with Draco. This shot takes place on the first night that they spend together and just before Bowen chose to give the dragon the name Draco, Draco being the eighth largest constellation in the sky that forms a shape of a dragon. The use of the shot has been you well as in this shot you can see the size different between both Bowen and Draco and you can also see the frustrated look Bowen got given after Draco made the point that Draco is just dragon in a different way. This scene is also close to another scene in the movie Alice in Wonderland. Here is a picture of the scene:

Here is another type of shot. This shot is a eye level shot. This picture is taken from a scene in Dragon heart where Bowen is teaching Einon some skills with a practice sword. After Einon got cocky Bowen got him and used some of his skills of Einon to show that he is the teacher. The shot helps demonstrate the relationship between the both of them. If there was a different shot used the audience wouldn't of been able to connect as well as you can with the eye level shot. This shot has also been used effectively to show the look of  annoyance on Einons face as Bowen proves to him that power isn't everything. Another shot that is similar to this is one of the movie Harry Potter. This is the eye level shot of Harry walking in to the Forbidden forest about to come face to face with Voldemort:

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Watching the Water Cycle in Action

Aim: To observe the basic processes of the water cycle

Equipment: 200ml Beaker, watch glass, ice cubes, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat

1. Fill the beaker with approximately 100ml of water and place a tripod bunsen burner
2. Fill the watch glass with a few pieces of ice and leave it on the bench
3. Light the Bunsen and heat  the water until it just starts to simmer. Do not boil the water
4. Turn the Bunsen burner off and gently place the watch glass and ice ontop

Observations: As the water gets heated it starts to turn into vapor . The vapor then rises until it meets the coldness of the watch glass. It then cools down and condenses back into the beaker

Pictures of the experiment:

Monday 17 September 2018

Know Your Rights

1 - What is the fair trading act? The fair trading act protects customers from untrue and unfair trades.

2 - What is the commerce commission's goal? the commerce commission's goal is to make New Zealanders better off by making sure markets are work well and consumers and business are good participants.

3 - Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?
the people who bought the products

4 - Who are the two types of groups the act applies to?
 producers and consumers

5- What do the acts apply to?
 Anything bought in New Zealand but not by a private seller or auction.

6 - Does it only apply if you intend to deceive? If it is broken or sold for an unreasonable then the act applys.

6 - Whose 'shoes' must the business put themselves into? the business should put themselves into the consumers shoes.

7 - What is the commission empowered to do? The commission is empowered to report irresponsible lending.

8 - How would you report a business? If you ever need to report a business you could report them by contacting the commission who then can take it to court if they suspect the sellers of breaching the act. Other ways to make an complaint include of applying to the high court to stop the act being breached you could also make a complaint through the Disputes Tribunals who are a version of a small claimed court.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Drama - Performance

In drama this term we have been practising a performance to perform to the class. To prepare for this we first had to get into groups and then pick a script. The people I was in a group with were Ava, Sharayah and Gary. When it came to choosing our script our group didn't read it as we were just chose the first script that had 4 people since we were struggling to find one. Our script ended up being about a guy who was trying to get with a famous girls sister which was a bit of a weird script but we made it work. I played the famous girls sister who stood up for herself. Some things I did well was learn my script as I was the only one in my group who ended up knowing it of by heart and could say all my words confidently. Some things I found challenging was when members in our group weren't at school when we were practising as it made it hard to be able to practise. To improve my next performance, next time I will spend more time practising my movements and my volume as I am not a big fan on having to stand up and act so I tend to get shy. When we performed it wasn't as good as I would have liked it to be as we had to quickly get someone say Sharayahs line and act them out as she wasn't there on the day. This made it harder because the person that took over her place had to read of the script not making it as entertaining and put together as our group would of hoped it was going to be. I had fun learning and performing my script even if it was a bit out of my comfort zone and I would probably practise and perform again if it was just to my class and not a huge audience.