
Tuesday 11 September 2018

Drama - Performance

In drama this term we have been practising a performance to perform to the class. To prepare for this we first had to get into groups and then pick a script. The people I was in a group with were Ava, Sharayah and Gary. When it came to choosing our script our group didn't read it as we were just chose the first script that had 4 people since we were struggling to find one. Our script ended up being about a guy who was trying to get with a famous girls sister which was a bit of a weird script but we made it work. I played the famous girls sister who stood up for herself. Some things I did well was learn my script as I was the only one in my group who ended up knowing it of by heart and could say all my words confidently. Some things I found challenging was when members in our group weren't at school when we were practising as it made it hard to be able to practise. To improve my next performance, next time I will spend more time practising my movements and my volume as I am not a big fan on having to stand up and act so I tend to get shy. When we performed it wasn't as good as I would have liked it to be as we had to quickly get someone say Sharayahs line and act them out as she wasn't there on the day. This made it harder because the person that took over her place had to read of the script not making it as entertaining and put together as our group would of hoped it was going to be. I had fun learning and performing my script even if it was a bit out of my comfort zone and I would probably practise and perform again if it was just to my class and not a huge audience.

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