
Wednesday 28 February 2018


On Tuesday the 27th of February our group made scones. The students that I cooked with were Kaela, Rheanna and Tanya. We were proud of how we achieved our goal of getting all ticks in our topic MKR (Misses Kitchen Rules) . The thing that we have to work on next time is communicating more with our team because sometimes we would just do the instructions without telling our team that we are doing it.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Chicken Stir-fry

Yesterday on the 20th of February in period 5 in Home Economics we made Chicken Stir-fry. In our Chicken Stir-fry we added chicken,carrots,broccoli and noodles. We used chicken because it was apart of the unit we are learning which is health and safety and we needed to know how to cook a chicken properly so we didn't get food poisoning (you can tell if a chicken is cooked properly if the outside of the chicken is brown and the inside is white). Yesterday I decided to work with Sharayah and Stacey to even the groups out more. The things that our group did really well with following the method and keeping to the time but next time we could work on our safety because we left the pan unattended at times.  I think that our Stir-fry turned out pretty good especially considering that I don't like noodles.

Friday 16 February 2018

Safety Signs

In tech we have been learning about what types of safety signs there are and what each sign means here is some of the things I have learnt while studying the topic.

Types of Safety Signs:
Hazard signs: A hazard sign is a warning sign used to prevent harm (The biggest harm being death). A hazard sign is a yellow triangle with a black outline and a black picture in the middle.

Prohibited signs: A prohibited sign is a a don't do sign meaning that it is prohibited to do anything the sign says.The Reasons we have these signs is to prevent to from doing anything Risky. A prohibited sign is a sign with a red outline with a cross through it. The picture in these signs are black.

Mandatory Signs: A mandatory sign is a blue sign with a white outline. A mandatory sign is a must do sign meaning you have to do what ever the sign says.

Here are some examples of some of the meanings of signs:
This is a hazard sign. This hazard sign is
warning you about explosives or something that
could potentially explode 

This is a prohibited sign. This sign is stating
that you are not allowed to park your car where it is
This could be for many different reasons

This is a mandatory sign. This sign is saying that
you must wear safety glasses. This sign could
be found in places like
science labs 

As apart of learning about safety signs we had to make our own to use around the workshop here is mine:      
This is my sign. My sign is a hazard sign. The hazard that it is showing
is a welder. A welder is a hazard because it is
really really hot and it can cause harm. It also
sparks which is another hazard especially for
people who don't know that it does. I chose this
sign because i didn't think that my tech teacher
had this sign and because I knew that it was a big hazard that people
should be warned about.
Here are some pictures of what a welder and looks like:

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Home Economics

Today in Home Economics I made savory cases. In my savory cases I put in spaghetti,ham & cheese.
The students I cooked with were Rheanna,Kaela & Tanya. We were proud that we worked well as a group and of how well our savory cases turned out. Next time we will improve by having a bit more communication. 

Here is what our savory cases turned out like:
Here is the recipe:

Per person: 2 Pieces of bread,
 2T of baked beans, corn or spaghetti
1/2 cup of grated cheese
1 piece of ham
1/4 onion ( fried,Optional )
2T margarine

preheat oven to 180 fan bake 
Cut crust of bread and butter one side
grate cheese
dice and cook onion
chop ham 
place butter side down of bread in a muffin tin ( may want to spray )
fill with ingredients
cook for 10Min till melted cheese and toasted bread 
Cool then eat

Thursday 8 February 2018


Over the last couple of periods we have had music me and Sharayah worked together to complete the task set by our teacher. The task was to chose a song that we like and a song we don't like and write why we do or don't.

The song that we both agreed we liked was Pretty Hurts by Beyonce. We like this song because we like the message that it sends about not wanted to play a stupid game about beauty and perfection. I think that it is nice that in the start she says how her aspiration in life was to be happy instead of anything else. I also like that this song is different from her other songs but still similar enough to be able to tell it is a Beyonce song. I think it is also nice how the rhythm changes all the time and isn't the same right the way through.

The song we dislike is Thunder by Imagine Dragons. We dislike this song because it is really repeatative and repeats the word "thunder" for most of the song. I also dislike the style of the music because it is so basic and plain.It is annoying how the rhythm of the song hardly ever changes in this song.
We could not find the video to this song on YouTube so we just did a lyric video.