
Thursday 8 February 2018


Over the last couple of periods we have had music me and Sharayah worked together to complete the task set by our teacher. The task was to chose a song that we like and a song we don't like and write why we do or don't.

The song that we both agreed we liked was Pretty Hurts by Beyonce. We like this song because we like the message that it sends about not wanted to play a stupid game about beauty and perfection. I think that it is nice that in the start she says how her aspiration in life was to be happy instead of anything else. I also like that this song is different from her other songs but still similar enough to be able to tell it is a Beyonce song. I think it is also nice how the rhythm changes all the time and isn't the same right the way through.

The song we dislike is Thunder by Imagine Dragons. We dislike this song because it is really repeatative and repeats the word "thunder" for most of the song. I also dislike the style of the music because it is so basic and plain.It is annoying how the rhythm of the song hardly ever changes in this song.
We could not find the video to this song on YouTube so we just did a lyric video.

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