
Friday 29 March 2019

Child Soldiers - Social Studies

In Social Studies we had to do a research task about Child Soldiers. Child Soldiers are Kids that are used for killing or committing any sort of violence. We had to create a map showing the ten most involved countries for using child soldiers. Here is the map that Jordan and I worked on collectively:  

Here is my Seel Paragraph about why children are used in War and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom:

Many Children are recruited to become soldiers at a young age.  By becoming a soldier these children are deprived of basic human rights such as the right to freedom. Child Soldiers are used in any way their commander wants, but they are mainly used for things such as killing, violent acts, sexual purposes, spies and multiple other things. These children do not get a say in what they do and due to them being young they are often manipulated into thinking they are doing the right thing. Many children join the military to avenge family members who have died as a result of a war. Children are still being used as soldiers in multiple countries. 

Thursday 28 March 2019


In maths we have been doing various types of maths problems that we had to solve in groups of 4. For half the term my I was in a group with Jordan and Natasha but now I am in a group with Reign, Sofia and Jordan. We had to answer 2 questions about one of the problems we had to solve. Here are the questions:

1.   Describe a mistake or misconception that you or your classmate had I class. What did you learn from this? A mistake a Jordan and Natasha made was that they didn't fully understand the question therefor leading me to have separate answers to the rest of the group. I learnt that just because the majority of the group has a different answer doesn't mean your wrong and also to make sure to understand the equation.

2. Did you learn any new vocabulary or concepts?  No as I learned all the vocabulary and concepts in previous years.

Monday 25 March 2019

Child Labour - Social Studies

In Social Studies we have been learning about Child Labour. Below is the work we had to complete to help show our understanding of Child Labour.

 Here is a map of the top 10 countries involved in Child Labour:

Child Labour Paragraph -
Children all over the world are used for free labour. Many families that live in countries with high rates of poverty are forced to send their kids into slavery to pay off their debt. The majority of the time the children have to work from dawn to dusk without breaks and loads of times they dont actually end up paying off their families debt. The slave master who use these kids are depriving them from multiple human rights, for example the right to education is stripped away from the children the second they step foot into their work area. Other human rights that are violated consist of; the right to equality, Right to life, Freedom from slavery and countless other human rights. As the years go by slavery is still common and still a huge issue in this world.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Sonja Terk Delaunay

In art we have been learning about Sonja Terk Delaunay and how she helped Orphism become a thing. I think that she is a very interesting person and I am looking forward to using her as a inspiration for my own work.

Image result for Design in the style of Mondrian, possibly for a rug, from 'Compositions, Colours, Ideas'
Design in the style of Mondrian 1931
2 Of Sonjas Art works:
Image result for Rythme colore
Rythme Colore

What is Orphism? Orphism was a art movement obtained within cubism. It was started by a few French artist and emphasising the use of light and colour instead of the style of art that other famous artist use 

2 facts about Sonja: 
  • Sonja is a French-Ukrainian Artist 
  • She was adopted 
  • She spoke multiple languages 
  • She didn't do art for more than 10 years after husband death 

 Here is a picture of my own work:

Friday 15 March 2019


In art we have being designing work that is inspired by Michael Mew.  Our work had to include a focal point that draws the attention of the viewer. To make the focal point stand out more we had to add leading lines. Leading lines is just lines that lead your eyes to wherever your main point is. We also had to add a bird into out art as it represents our cultural narrative. The focal point of my work is the word Gold that I took from a magazine and the leading lines are the yellow strips as well as the edge of the other pictures I took from a magazine. To make the focal point stand out more I added purple in the background as it is the complementary colour of yellow. The bird I chose was the Mohua. A Mohua bird is a attractive bird that is also very musical.  Something I could work on is planning my work before I actually start it as I have a bit of trouble when I started to paint and add my bird. Overall I think I did a good job but there are definitely some things I could improve on like making everything a bit neater. Here is my work: 

Thursday 14 March 2019

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman had a very important role in the Underground Railroad. After being born into slavery Harriet Tubman grew up to be a famous conductor in the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad is a system used to help the slaves escaped without being noticed. A conductor is th person who leads the enslaved people to freedom. Harriet became historic after leading over 300 people to safety in 19 trips. Harriet played a crucial role in the Underground Railroad.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Chicken Leg Dissection

Yesterday in Science we did a Chicken Leg Dissection. We did this dissection to help us get a better look at what the bones in your leg are like. The three bones in your leg are The Femur,Tibia and Fibula.  Some other parts in a chicken leg are the tendons,muscle and fat. I personally am not a big fan of dissections but I still did it. Something I found was that it was harder than it looks to get to the bone without destroying them. Overall the experiment helped me have a better understanding on the bones in our leg. Here is a picture of the experiment:

Friday 8 March 2019

Legality vs Morality

Is it more morally right to save five people at the fault of one or save one person for the fault of five? This moral argument is not a new argument as has been going on for years. An example of an moral argument is if you were a doctor and you had five people in desperate need for a transplant and for some reason there was a person who was unconscious, your options are to either let all five people die while the unconscious person survives or take the person how was unconscious and use all of his organs for the other five people.  There is no correct answer for this question but they both have consequences. If you chose to leave the five people to die you are ignoring the fact that you could of saved them whereas if you take the the unconscious person and use him to save multiple people you are essentially committing murder.  I personally have no idea what I would do in this situation. This moral story links back to the book unwind as people are killing people to save thousands of other people.

Friday 1 March 2019

Unwind - Consciousness

  1. How is it that Connor was not unwound? p318 Connor wasn't unwound because there was a ID found in the wreckage of a 19 yr old male. Connor was fortunate enough to be able to use this ID as his own
  2. Whose arm does he now have? P319 Connor now has Rolands shark tattooed arm
  3. On p321 Risa tells Connor how she won't be unwound. Do you think her decision to not accept the spine of an Unwind was purely ethical, or was she also playing the system in order to stay alive? Risa won't be unwound because she is now paralysed. I think here decision not to get an unwinds spine is both ethical and playing the system as she states that she would never accept an unwinds body as well as stating that it helps her not become unwound herself
  4. Since the explosions at Happy Jack, what have people been doing? What has Cy-Fi's role been in this? P325 People have been protesting, saying that unwinding is not okay and Cy-Fi testified before congress
  5. Lev's parents disown him. Who is trying to become his guardian? P328. Marcus, Levs disowned Brother
  6. Why has Pastor Dan resigned? P329 Because he is against a God who condons human tithing
  7. P331-332 explain what has happened to Harlan Dunfee. What do you think about the Admiral and his wife's plan? Was it what you expected? The Admiral gathered all of the people who had Harlans parts and gathered them for a big party to try see him again. I Think it was a great idea considering the situation and I don't think it was what I expected the Admiral to do  
  8. Who takes over the graveyard? P331 Connor takes over the graveyard.
PREDICTION: there are three more books after this. What do you think might happen to Risa, Connor and Lev? Any other characters you would like make a prediction for? I think Lev could end up clapping and I think all of them will try make Unwinding illegal