
Thursday 14 February 2019

English - Critical Literacy Crash Course

In English we have been lea

What makes this video convincing? The fact that it is set out like a actual news room place and the way that they interviewed everyone to make it believable

In English we have been doing critical literacy. One thing I have learned so far is that Critical Literacy can be found in just about anything. One of the task was to watch a video and answer some questions. Here is my work

Who Published this video? A YouTube channel call The Onion

How are teens portrayed in this clip? Teens are portrayed like all they do is sit on there devices and not actually do something productive

Why has the director cast them in this way? To make it seem more realistic

In whose interest is this text? Parents who are worried that their child is spending to much time in front of a screen

Who is real in this text? I am not sure

What social realities does this text portray? Teens are spending to much time on the devices and it could damage their brains.

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