
Monday 25 February 2019

Social Studies - Trade Trade Triangle

In Social Studies we have been learning about the Slave Trade Triangle. The Slave Trade Triangle is basically just the whole system that was used to gain slaves or goods depending on what country you are. We had to make a map of the Trade Slave Triangle and label the key points.

Here is my work:

Yellow - First Contact - Africans and European had made contact before slavery in the Mediterranean sea
Pink - First Slaves Taken - Portuguese sail to Africa to search for gold
Blue - Europeans set up slave post - Traded guns and weapons with African Kings
Purple - The First Passage - The voyage between Europe and Africa is known as the first passage
Red - First slaves in USA- First slaves went here. Slaves were auctioned

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dylan - I really liked how you called the Slave trade triangle a system because it was a system of slavery, growing goods for manuafacturing and finished goods. It will be interesting to see what happens with the slaves once the reach their destination.


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