
Wednesday 13 June 2018

Home economics- Chilli Con Carne

Yesterday in home economics we made chilli con carne. I worked in a pair with Chloe who I have never worked with before. The positives of yesterday were that we both had good personal hygiene and that we still manged to complete making it even though Chloe wasn't having the best day cooking wise. The negatives of yesterday was that the rice burnt and Chloe accidentally spilt garlic everywhere leaving me to be the only one cooking and preparing the meal for a while as she was cleaning up her mess. Next time I think that we would be more careful with what we are doing and not rush as much because since we were rushing to finish before the bell time we made a few mistakes.  I enjoyed working Chloe because it was fun to work with someone who I don't usually work with even if she wasn't as good as a cook as I thought she was going to be. Even thought Chloe made lots of mistakes I didn't make very many mistake which I am proud of. In the end the chilli con carne didn't turn out as bad as I thought it was going to turn out.

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