
Monday 6 August 2018

The Merchant of Venice - Act 5

lWhy do Lorenzo and Jessica remind each of the stories of classical lovers? Because they have a great relationship.
What are Portias feelings as she approaches the house? Happy that she one the argument and probably a bit cheeky as she was about to mess with Bassanio
What is the first argument to break out? Nerissa getting mad at Gratiano for giving the ring away
How do Gratiano and Bassanio try to justify parting with the rings, are they successful? They try to justify it by saying that they saved Antonio's life and that they would not take anything but the ring
Was Bassanio right to give away the ring, give reasons for your thinking.? No because when he first got the ring he made a promise to never give it away so it was just unloyal and disrespectful to give it away
How can the newly-weds threaten to sleep with the men who took their rings- and mean it? Because they promised to the person who had the ring that they were theirs so now that someone else has it they are technically theirs.
What effect do these arguments have on Antonio? He thinks that Portia slept with the Doctor
Portia and Nerissa have the rings. What does this prove to Antonio, Gratiano and Bassanio? That they were in the courtroom and Portia was the doctor and Nerissa was the clerk.
How do Antonio, Lorenzo and Jessica benefit from news that Portia brings? Portia told Antonio that the ships that supposedly got lost came to shore and he now has all his money and Lorenzo and Jessica benefit from the fact that when Shylock dies they get half of his money

Vocabulary Find the meanings of the following words:
Vehement: Showing Strong emotion
Riveted: Fix or Fasten
Zeal: Great passion and enthusiasm for a cause or objective
Stockish: Stupid
.Quiring: A collection of leaves of parchment or paper, folded one within the other, in a manuscript or book
Elopement: To run away and not come back to the point of origin
Quarrel: An angry argument or disagreement
Void: Completely empty or not valid or legally binding

Create Make a timeline of the events in the story. Keep each point brief but concise. Think about the different characters and how their timelines overlay. Do they all come to a satisfactory end?

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