
Tuesday 24 September 2019

English - Critical Literacy - Musicals

Vocab - Stereotypes, Construction, Bias, Gender, Masculinity, Femininity

Masculinity stereotypes -

  • Strong
  • Manly
  • Tough
  • Brave 
  • Aggressive
  • Athletic
  • Tall
  • Work
  • Blue 
Femanity stereotypes -
  • Calm 
  • Makeup
  • Clean
  • Small
  • Quite  
  • Passive 
  • Delicate 
  • Sensitive 
  • Dress
  • Soft 
  • Pink
Somewhere that's green -

  • Soft voice
  • cleaning 
  • man doing the mowing
  • dress
  • girl is cooking 
11. How are adults constructed in this text? Women are seen as cleaners and cookers whereas the men have more "masculine" jobs. The women are seen to be cleaning and doing jobs around the house with their hair all done and wearing dresses.

28. What kind of social reality does this text portray? Women have to do more feminine jobs while men are able to do the jobs seen more manly. The women are also perfect with her hair and dress immaculately.
29. How does this text construct a version of reality?  It constructs a version of reality as stereotyping someone based on whether they are a man or a woman was extremely common a few years ago and we are only now starting to not judge someone based on their gender.
27. What view of the world is the text present? The text shows us that in their world girls have to stick to the girly roles and the men have to stick to manly roles.
Legally Blonde - 
  • dress 
  • the only girl assumed to be dumb
  • wants job
  • not as soft and more confident. 

11. How are adults constructed in this text? The girl was seen as a dumb blonde, which isn't actually smart. She is seen as determined and doesn't have many of the stereotypical feminine traits

28. What kind of social reality does this text portray? The girl isn't judged by here gender instead she was judged on how well she did in school.
29. How does this text construct a version of reality?  Gender isn't how people are judged
27. What view of the world is the text present?

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